Translation: Our Yellow Energized Amazing, Strong, Powerful, Spiritual, Anointing, and Healing Water. It can quickly change your life, open up money luck in your life. It is very helpful if you enjoy things like casinos, horse races, the lotto, and various competitions. Be loved by money; if you play dice and horse races, it will come to you. If you own a business, it makes it easy for people to give you money, and it flows easily into your hands rather than out. If you are blocked from money, everything will open up. Step out of the season of lacking money and start succeeding. Try it now so that money luck doesn’t escape you, loves you, and stays with you.
How to use: Add 6 spoons to the water you bathe with at night and in the morning. Add 10 spoons to a bucket with half-filled water and sprinkle around the house at night. Repeat this until everything in your life improves.
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