Translation: This is your chance to make things happen quickly as you desire. Grind a small portion, place it in a large container, before leaving.
Directions for use: Pour it into your hand, speak all you wish for, and blow to fulfill your desires.
Leli yithuba lakho lokwenza izinto zisheshe ngokuthanda kwakho. Gaya omncane bese uyifaka eksini elikhulu, ngaphambi kokuphuma, uthele esandleni sakho, ukhulumise yonke into oyifunayo, bese uphephetha ukuze izifiso zakho zifezeke.
Imiyalelo yokusebenzisa: Wenza Izinto Zakho Zikhanye Konke Okfisayo Kusheshe Kwenzeke Manje. Umuthi Onamandla
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